A Crows Furore (Happy Ever After)
'We're all for sale! It's all for show!'....say men that hide and hoard and grow....from crooked soil where evil sows a seed that can outlast you....

Postcard From Sicily
We've seen princes elope, heard the death of a pope...and I'd ask 'What's for tea, babe?'...

How Are We Today ?
There's a feeling out there of no more joking...want a nicotine buzz without smoking...want to feel a little love, without devotion...

Takes A Lion
It takes a mouse to walk into the trap...it takes a lion to say 'I give up!'...

Goodbye To All That
Damn...that liberty to say 'live by the sword!'...won't get me out of here...

A Different Kind Of Sadness
I have a smile I can't get near..and a different kind of sadness that brought me here..

What Circus Is This?
What circus is this? Where the lions are all out taming the kids to be hungry..

Welcome To The Deep End
..Welcome to the deep end, staring at the lighthouse..guess its where the past keeps ending up..

Sweet Nothing (Cowardice Season)
Will we have a day quite as the memories say they were, if we always say ‘smile for the camera’?